Women’s Ministry
Women’s Bible Study – Tuesday Afternoons at 12:30pm
“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” Luke 1:45
We Believe:
We believe that as women we are the precious daughters of the King of Kings. We desire every woman to come to a full understanding of this truth. We believe that this is achieved through opportunities to build relationships collectively and intimately.
To allow God to define who we are as women in the various roles we hold.
To build up our confidence in who we are and the various talents we have.
To encourage us to be users of our gifts and lovers of what we have been given.
How can I be involved?
- Women’s Bible Studies
- Spring Coast Retreat
- Holiday Bazaar, Friday and Saturday before Thanksgiving.
- Help with Father’s Day gifts
- Attend Mother’s Day Brunch, Saturday before Mother’s Day (the men host our brunch!)
For more information, or if you want to help in this ministry, please contact:
Kathy Smith, Women’s Pastor
Email: kathy@fernridgefaithcenter.org