Men’s Ministry
Saturday Mornings at 7:30am
Men’s Ministry
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” I Corinthians 16:13-14
“As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs 27:17
Who we are:
We are spiritual warriors that God can build His church on.
Our purpose is to see men connected and encouraged with other Christian men.
- To build men up in the gifts and callings God has in their lives.
- To be a safe place where guys can be guys.
- Have accountability and mentorship occur through relationships.
- To create a safe place to confess and have prayer and support.
- To develop men for leadership for Kingdom building purposes.
- For godly friendships occur naturally.
How can I be involved?
- Weekly Saturday morning breakfast (7:30-9:00 am at the church)
- Help cook at breakfast.
- Lead a study group.
- Annual Men’s Retreat
- Building projects for each other, the church, and those in need.
- Mentorship and accountability partnerships.
- Fishing trips with Fish Fry
- Summer BBQ’s
- Coordinate any of the men’s events.
- Pray for each other.
- Attend leadership training opportunities as they are presented.
For more information about our Men’s ministry, please get in touch with Nick Rhoads at nick@fernridgefaithcenter.org.